Setting up your email in the iPhone’s settings screen

The following instructions help you setup an iPhone to access a mailbox on an account hosted on our servers.

Select Settings.


Select Mail.


Click Add Account…


Select Other.


Fill in the fields.


After you enter the following settings, click Save at the top and it should automatically detect the rest of your settings and connect to your mailbox.


Name: Your name, the name you want to display on the receiving end.
Address: Your email address. This is the address where replies will be sent to and should likely be the same as your username.
Description: Description of this account.

Incoming Mail Server

Host Name: (replace with your actual domain name)
Username: [email protected] (the email address you’re accessing)
Password: Password for the email address. If you don’t know what this is, you can request it from the Mail->Manage Email section of your panel by clicking ‘edit’ for the address.

Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP)

Host Name: (replace with your actual domain name)
Username: [email protected] (the email address you’re accessing)
Password: Password for the email address. If you don’t know what this is, you can request it from the Mail->Manage Email section of your panel by clicking ‘edit’ for the address.

Advanced settings

In the event that it doesn’t work, you might want to check your account’s Advanced settings and make sure they look like this:

Iphone-6 fixed.gif

Note2 icon.png Note: You must set the IMAP Path Prefix to INBOX (all caps) for imap clients to work properly with our servers. Most desktop email clients work ok but show all the folders under the inbox as sub folders rather than alongside it.